Enter a verse or keywords (John 3:16, love, sword of the spirit)

Lifehouse - Everything

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Life, and things from the past.

Well what I can say upon this topic is; the one reason that I left going to church every Sunday, was to the gossip in the church and people thinking that they are above me in some way. This past Sunday they're people that I go to church with that just talk about others and what the do wrong during the church service. Now I must say this nags at me and it should not but it does. I PRAY to GOD that these people would just shut there trap and practice what they preach or say that they preach. The politics of the church turn more people from church then the church takes in. What happen to the commandment that Christ gave us? “TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER, duh” People, is it harder to love people more then it would take to help them or just over look a mistake were their was no sin in what they did to begin with. Do not God and Christ forgive us for what we do? I say lets be Christians and not people that the devil employs.

As Christians, I empower you to stand up and do the right thing. Do let ignorant people take over the places of the good people in the church you go. Tell them he with out sin cast the first stone as Christ said to the Pharisees.

Friday, August 31, 2007

The Whole Armor of God

As people today we all have certain brand of clothing we like to wear. Some of us like: Polo, Ralph Lauren, FuBu, Nike, Adidas and many others. But I think that as Christians we should have one brand of clothing A.O.G.. Now as many of you are now flabbergasted about what is A.O.G. well in Ephesians 6:10-20 we are to were the Armor of God and thats what we need to do live in "our everyday lives".

I think if I am wearing the Armor of God that I truly can fight off the evil things are are in our everyday lives. With this being said how are we to go about today and wear the Armor of God. I am going to take the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit (Word of God) with the shoes for the Gospel of Peace and go forth as a Christian Soldier and fight the evil that confronts me today and everyday.

And as it says in the finial verse of the this chapter. Ephesians 6:23-24. "Peace be to the brothers, and love with faith, from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Grace be with all who love our Lord Jesus Christ with love incorruptible."

Thursday, August 30, 2007


Okay, so for the last couple of days the theme of what I have been hearing from preachers is LOVE. And I was reading a book today for my classes that I am taking and the part of what I read today. Talks about the women that Christ saved from being stoned by the scribes and Pharisees (John 8:7). Now if we continue in John down to John 13:34, Christ says that we should LOVE. This is the commandment give from Christ to "Christ"ians the followers of the Messiah. So what are we doing by getting mad and not helping those with out love for others. I repeat what the Lord said unto us "A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another."

How profound is that for someone on his way to death to tell us to love. Love like he did, to show someone love is to be in a way Christ like. I know some of you are not going to agree with that statement but if we are all to love and to give love. As Joyce Meyer says that would be a WOW thing.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Golden Rule

So the morning started out with not the best of moments. But what was wrong was that Satan has gotten a hold on a fellow co-worker. And my boss and comrades accused of something that was not worded correctly. After I had explained myself to my comrade the understanding of what was going on became clear. So with a written note to our co-worker things started to get worse as finger pointing started. I thinking that we were all adults and could settle things in such a matter that adults do, well I hate to tell you we could not and the unhappiness just continued on and after a direct approach to the person things settled down and the kindness began. We got through our problems and things went on from there and the rest of the day is hoping for a brighter outlook.

Well as I continued on with my day my comrades attitude changed as well. And it was not all the pleasant either but, it was as if Satan had switched bodies and keep the bad attitude around the building. So my focus was on the Golden Rule (Matthew 7:12 and Luke 6:31) "As ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise." I was so content on keeping my good as it started to slip away. But I ask God to be with me and to help keep me from blowing up on these people today and allow me to focus on the positive things of my life.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Keys have arrived!!!!

Well today the keys to unlock my future in the world of Ministries have arrived. I don't know what to say but WOW!!!! I can't believe that I am this excited about this new path that the Lord has put before me to take. Satan is trying to keep me from being happy. My flesh is getting a cold or the season change is kicking my flashy butt and my body just does not like this feeling. So Lord if you can hear me please allow me to feel better and avoid getting sick (any kind of sick).

In James 5:15 it says that a prayer of faith shall save him and raise him up. Now I don't think I am as sick as the man that Peter and John came across in front of the temple but I don't feel that well and I think that my heavenly father would not want me to feel bad. So I pray unto him and ask for forgiveness and healing.

Monday, August 27, 2007

A time and a half

I have had the most prevalent feeling about the words "a time, times, and an half" for some reason and the other day I had a for some reason wrote the words Paragon, Theosis, Teodem, Perasis , hyperia. From what I can tell they are mostly Greek words. If I could figure out what God is trying to tell me that would be a glorious thing. In Daniel 12:7 talks about the vision that Daniel had during his last year serving the king. Which helps me to understand some things like the phrase that is used in Daniel and Revelations 12:14. And after reading those parts I feel like Jesus is telling me to "GET RIGHT" so that when he come in "a time, times, and an half" from that point that I might be ready.

Now, if I could only figure out what he trying to tell me with the second part of what has been troubling me I might be okay. From what I can tell about the words in Greek they mean the following: To be a match for the call to man to become holy and seek union with god. Man going through ??? (perasis). If you read this and think that you might have an idea about something please post something and let me know.
