Well what I can say upon this topic is; the one reason that I left going to church every Sunday, was to the gossip in the church and people thinking that they are above me in some way. This past Sunday they're people that I go to church with that just talk about others and what the do wrong during the church service. Now I must say this nags at me and it should not but it does. I PRAY to GOD that these people would just shut there trap and practice what they preach or say that they preach. The politics of the church turn more people from church then the church takes in. What happen to the commandment that Christ gave us? “TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER, duh” People, is it harder to love people more then it would take to help them or just over look a mistake were their was no sin in what they did to begin with. Do not God and Christ forgive us for what we do? I say lets be Christians and not people that the devil employs.
As Christians, I empower you to stand up and do the right thing. Do let ignorant people take over the places of the good people in the church you go. Tell them he with out sin cast the first stone as Christ said to the Pharisees.