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Lifehouse - Everything

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

The Keys have arrived!!!!

Well today the keys to unlock my future in the world of Ministries have arrived. I don't know what to say but WOW!!!! I can't believe that I am this excited about this new path that the Lord has put before me to take. Satan is trying to keep me from being happy. My flesh is getting a cold or the season change is kicking my flashy butt and my body just does not like this feeling. So Lord if you can hear me please allow me to feel better and avoid getting sick (any kind of sick).

In James 5:15 it says that a prayer of faith shall save him and raise him up. Now I don't think I am as sick as the man that Peter and John came across in front of the temple but I don't feel that well and I think that my heavenly father would not want me to feel bad. So I pray unto him and ask for forgiveness and healing.

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